Wednesday 8 July 2015


Software Testing: Testing is a process used to help identify the correctness, completeness and quality of developed computer software. Testing is a process of executing a program with the intent of finding an error.

Type of Testing: There are different type of testing is given-
1.       Static Testing
2.       Dynamic Testing
3.       White Box Testing
4.       Black Box Testing
5.       Unit Testing
6.       Integration Testing
7.       System Testing
8.       Acceptance Testing
9.       Load Testing
10.    Alpha Testing
11.    Beta Testing
1. Static Testing: Static testing is a form of software testing where the software isn’t actually used. This type of testing can be used by the developer who wrote the code in isolation. Code reviews inspections and walk through are also used.
2. Dynamic Testing: Dynamic testing analyzes the software program in different operating environments. This includes different brands of computers and other hardware differences, possibly including multiple monitors, different operating systems, and different sets of software applications coexisting on the machine.
3. White Box Testing: White box testing strategy deals with the internal logic and structure of the code. It is also called as structural or open box testing. White box testing requires access to the source code. White box testing can be performed any time in the life cycle after the code is developed.
4. Black Box Testing: Black box testing is a method of software testing that tests the functionality of an application as opposed to its internal structures .It is also called as functional testing.
5. Unit Testing: Unit testing is a software development process in which the smallest testable parts of an application, called units, are individually and independently scrutinized for proper operation. Unit testing is often automated but it can also be done manually.
6. Integration Testing: Integration testing is the process of verifying the synchronization between two or more software system and which can be performed after software system collaboration is completed.
7. System Testing: System testing is a black box testing, performs by the test team, and at start of the system testing the complete system is configured in a controlled environment. The purpose of system testing is validating an application’s accuracy and completeness in performing the functions as designed.
8. Acceptance Testing: Acceptance testing is a final stage of testing that is performed on a system prior to the system being delivered to a live environment.
Acceptance tests are generally performed as “black box” tests.
9. Load Testing: Load Tests are end to end performance tests under anticipated production load. Load testing is performed to determine a system’s behavior under both normal and anticipated peak load conditions. It helps to identify the maximum operating capacity of an application as well as any bottlenecks and determine which element is causing degradation.
10. Alpha Testing: Alpha testing is done before the software is made available to the general public. The developers will perform the Alpha testing using white box testing techniques. In alpha testing client test the software at development site.

11. Beta Testing: A beta tester is someone who tests a product before it is released. Product testers help companies identify weak points in their products which could cause consumer frustration, and they also identify specific issues which need to be corrected before a product can be released.

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